From the Court to the Classroom: Transforming Teachers into Champions

June 2, 2024

During my 10 years as a teacher, I held a pretty negative view of "coaches"—and I wasn't alone. We saw ​them as the folks enjoying hour-long lunches and bragging they didn’t have many responsibilities. We felt ​their role was pointless and believed that hiring more teachers would lighten our classroom loads. Plus, ​being the messengers for the administration didn’t exactly help their cause. Many coaches openly ​admitted they loved their roles because it allowed them to escape the classroom, and they saw it as a ​stepping stone to administration.

Had you asked me earlier in my career if I wanted to become an instructional coach, my answer would’ve ​been a hard "NO." I was hesitant about stepping into this role because of the negative impressions I had. ​I couldn't see myself in that position, and it certainly wasn’t my dream job. But my mindset has ​completely shifted now. I’ve committed to being the complete opposite of what I saw and have brought ​my whistle into the classroom so here’s my story and how I’ve embraced “coaching.”

Embracing the Coach’s Role

My background in athletics played a huge part in my mindset moving forward as an instructional coach. ​I've always been involved in sports and coaching and to me, a coach is someone who teaches, builds ​relationships, and lets their players shine during game time. I adopted this mindset as an instructional ​coach. This past year, there were so many “news” in my life—new state, new role, new district—but I kept ​my mindset grounded. When I stepped in between “those 4 lines,” I wore my whistle, took my clipboard, ​and drew up a practice plan each and every single day. I wanted my teachers to feel the same level of ​support and preparation that I gave my athletes.

Building Relationships and Trust

The first step was to build trust. I wanted my teachers to feel valued and understood. This foundation ​made it easier to introduce new teaching techniques gradually. Instead of overwhelming them, I focused ​on incremental learning, demonstrating how these methods could be effectively applied in their ​classrooms. I aimed to build strong relationships with my teachers, showing them I genuinely care and ​will be there to support them. For instance, I would take time to have one-on-one conversations with ​them, listening to their concerns and ideas. From there, I started teaching them gradually, demonstrating ​how they could apply new techniques with their students. My approach was always collaborative, ​ensuring they felt part of a team working towards a common goal.

Hands-On Practice

Just like in sports, practice is crucial. We practiced using new tools and techniques together with the ​students. I was right there with them in the classroom, offering support and guidance. This hands-on ​approach helped build their confidence. Watching their progress was incredibly rewarding, much like ​seeing athletes improve and succeed. Teachers expressed how they loved that I wasn’t afraid to co-​teach with them. They found it reassuring to have support during the most frightening part of ​introducing new technology: the fear of something going wrong and no one being there to help. This ​collaboration eased their anxiety and allowed them to focus on engaging their students. One of my ​favorite moments was seeing a teacher successfully implement a new strategy we had worked on ​together. She was so thrilled with the results that she ran down the hallway to share the news with two ​other teachers, first asking if I could watch her students of course. Her excitement and the positive ​response from the students reminded me why I chose this path.

Game Time

When my teachers felt ready, it was game time. They took the lead in their classrooms, applying what ​they had learned. I remained on the sidelines, always available for support and encouragement. If things ​didn’t go as planned, we could call a "time out" to reassess and refine our approach. This ongoing ​support was vital, ensuring they knew I was there to help whenever needed. I remember one teacher who ​struggled with a particular lesson. We took a "time out," reviewed the plan, and made necessary ​adjustments. Seeing her regain confidence and successfully deliver the lesson was incredibly fulfilling.

Grab Your Clipboard

Being an instructional coach isn't far removed from being a sports coach. Both roles involve teaching, ​building relationships, and empowering others to succeed. By approaching instructional coaching with ​the same mindset I used in sports, I created a supportive and effective learning environment for my ​teachers. They knew I was there for them, ready to cheer them on and provide guidance when needed. ​This approach transformed my perception of the role and helped me become the coach I always aspired ​to be. Now, I encourage anyone stepping into a coaching role to grab their clipboard, embrace their inner ​coach, and transform their team into champions.