Meet Farmer Faubs

April 17, 2024

A Fusion of Farm Life and EdTech Innovation

Hey! Alyssa here, I’m super excited to kick off my new blog, Tech Roundup with Farmer Faubs. Growing ​up just outside Cincinnati, Ohio, I was lucky enough to experience life on my grandmother's 100-acre ​farm. My mom and grandma, both educators, nurtured my passion for learning and creativity from a ​young age.

From Clicking Buttons to Coaching Educators

It all started with a click. As a kid, I was hooked on the endless possibilities of the digital world, thanks to ​my first cell phone and our family computer. High school brought me face-to-face with Photoshop in a ​photography class, sparking my true tech adventure. College life saw me joining forces with the media ​guy at our university’s athletics department, where I dove into social media, video editing, and more.

After earning a bachelor’s degree in Business and a master's in Educational Technology, I began my ​career as a middle school teacher, later moving to the high school to teach Digital Media for eight years. ​After 16 wonderful years in El Paso, Texas—where I played basketball and taught for a decade—I moved ​back home. I am now an Instructional Design Coach and have the pleasure of teaching both teachers and ​students how to create and learn with technology.

Why I Started This Blog

Out here in a rural setting, I've seen how scarce tech resources can be for educators. That’s where Tech ​Roundup comes in. I’m blending my farm roots and tech know-how to deliver simple, powerful tech ​solutions to teachers everywhere.

What You Can Expect

  • Innovative EdTech Tools: Catch the latest gadgets that can revolutionize how we teach.
  • AI Updates: Get the scoop on AI’s role in reshaping education.
  • Creative Tips: I’ll share tricks to boost engagement and learning in your classrooms.

Join the Community

Join me on social media for more learning and laughs and you might even meet a few of animals living on ​the farm.

As a founding member of the EduGuardians on Twitter, I've found a fantastic group of educators who are ​all about learning and sharing.

My Advice to Fellow Educators

Keep it simple at first. Pick one tech tool and really get to know it. Your comfort and growth are what ​matter most. To me, it’s about mindset more than skill... You’ve heard the saying, “If you put your mind to ​it, you can achieve anything!”

Let’s Embark on This Journey Together

Whether you’re a tech pro or just getting started, I’m here to help and learn with you. Let’s make the ​most of our tech in education together!

Drop a comment, share your stories, and don’t forget to follow me on social media for all the latest ​updates. Can’t wait to see what we can achieve together!